We spend a lot of time at the airport waiting for our flight, let’s make use of our time and stay fit and healthy.


Start with your feet hip-width apart and sit down. Drive your weight to the back of your heel and not the front of your foot. Engage your core and with a controlled motion sit down. Reverse for your Stand-Up’s. Drive your weight to the back of your heel, engage your core, without leaning forward stand up in an erect position as you thrust your hips forward. Do 10 to 15 reps for each hour you’re waiting.


Pick a starting and ending point and walk as fast as you can or do a light jog. Do 3 laps for every hour you’re waiting for your flight.


Body weight resistance is key to keeping your body moving as often as you can before sitting for a long time. The laps will keep your heart healthy, improve your mood and keep you energized. Your body will thank you for it.